Identifyitn antecedents 10a. The antecedent in the following sentence is students: Students in online classes have to be organized to keep up with their assignments.
10b. The antecedent in the following sentence is class: Students in online classes have to be organized to keep up with their assignments.
My naswer is b
11a. The antecedent in the following sentence is Doctors: Doctors should schedule more time for patients so they do not spend so much time in the waiting room.
11b. The antecedent in the following sentence is patients: Doctors should schedule more time for patients so they do not spend so much time in the waiting room.
My answer is a
Pronoun-antecedent agreement
13a. Most presenters spoke without looking at his or her notes.
13b. Most presenters spoke without looking at their notes. My answer is a
14a. You may rent a movie or a video game for just one night if they are new.
14b. You may rent a movie or a video game for just one night if it is new.
My answer is I don't know.
15a. Neither the mayor nor the council members have filed thier reports. 15b. Neither the mayor nor the council members have filed his reports. My answer is a
16. Anyone who requests a copy of the game may have it for their video library. 16b. Anyone who requests a copy of the game may have it for his or her video.
My answer is b
17a. ?Each of the applicants must submit his or her complete form to the interviewer.
17b. Each of the applicants must submit their complete forms to the interviewer.
My answer is b
Pronoun case
18a. My brother knows more about technology than me.
18b. My brother knows more about technology than I.
My answer is b
19a. Please send an invitation to Bob and she.
19b.Please send an invitation to Bob and her. My answer is b
20.a My best friend and I are going to Hawaii this summer.
20b. My best friend and me are going to Hawaii this summer.
My answer is b
Pronoun case for who and whom.
21a. Who was the star of last year's awad-winning movie?
21b. Whom was the star of last year's award-winning movie?
My answer is a
22a. To who should we send the letter of commendation?
22b. To whom should we send the letter of commendation?
My answer is b
23a. Jon Bon Jovi, who is a well-known singer and actor. also owns an arena football team.
23b. Jon Bon Jovi, whom is a well-know singer and actor, also owns an arena football team.
My answer is b
I am being nice to my wife and this is for my wife because she is at the hospital and I snook in her computer room and posted her stuff so please check it and see if it is right because if it ain't I am in big trouble if she geta an f
3 answers
#12 was not here.
#13, 15 ,16,18,19,21,22 are correct
#14 The subject is singular, so the pronoun has to be singular also... it is one or the other, not one and the other.
#11... again...ask yourself - who is spending time in the waiting room? Which does "they" refer to?
#17... is "each" singular or plural? you say...."me are going"
#23 who is the subject pronoun, whom is the object pronoun.