Identify the roles district, state, and federal government agencies have in your local schools. Which agency do you feel has the most significant influence in making policy and curriculum decisions at the local level? Why?
Please help.
I can not find any websites that have this information. Could someone just point me in the right direction Please.
5 answers
Go to i say always start with the basics. But if youre sure, then give your opinion on it. It says which do you feel, local schools, etc. That means there is no right or wrong answer. <3
Each district and state plays different roles in local schools.
I urge you to make an appointment with or email an administrator in your local school system to ask these questions.
I urge you to make an appointment with or email an administrator in your local school system to ask these questions.
ok thanks will try this
try mine too girl, it got me through 8 years of college!
Miss Logan i tried yours first and looked back in the reading and this is what I came up with:
The organization of nearly all schools is by classrooms, with the principal being the line authority. At district levels, each school reports to the superintendent. However, policies are established by the school board. The school board usually consists of teachers, parents, and community representatives. The purpose of the school board is to give these individuals a voice in the schools governance.
All schools, pulic and private, are under the authority of the state, including the state board of education and the state legislature.
The state and district agencies do have influence in making policy and curriculum decisions at local levels. But I feel the federal government has the most influence. The No Child Left Behind Act is an example of federal government being involved in school systems. The NCLB act includes many mandates to states and school districts. Through the NCLB the federal government holds the state and districts accountable for their actions. In other words everything flows down hill and in this case it starts with the Federal Government. This is why I believe the Federal government has the most influence on local level.
The organization of nearly all schools is by classrooms, with the principal being the line authority. At district levels, each school reports to the superintendent. However, policies are established by the school board. The school board usually consists of teachers, parents, and community representatives. The purpose of the school board is to give these individuals a voice in the schools governance.
All schools, pulic and private, are under the authority of the state, including the state board of education and the state legislature.
The state and district agencies do have influence in making policy and curriculum decisions at local levels. But I feel the federal government has the most influence. The No Child Left Behind Act is an example of federal government being involved in school systems. The NCLB act includes many mandates to states and school districts. Through the NCLB the federal government holds the state and districts accountable for their actions. In other words everything flows down hill and in this case it starts with the Federal Government. This is why I believe the Federal government has the most influence on local level.