I wrote "Bien que Rousseau etait apparemement..." And my teacher underlined bien que and drew an arrow to etait...what could he be referring to?

And I wrote "Mais Rousseau pensait aussi que la nouvelle connaissance parce qu'il permettait..." My teacher circled il. Why is this not necessary? I thought it would be because I'm referring to Rousseau.

1 answer

IF you required the imperfect, the verb form would require an accent mark = était BUT "bien que" which means "although" requires the Subjunctive.
l'imparfait du subjunctif = fût
plus-que-parfait du subjonctif = eût été
passé du subjonctif = ait été

What tense were y ou searching for?

The 2nd sententence is not a complete sentence as it stands.

Sra (aka Mme)