I wonder if someone can help me on question please , Analyse the impact of relevant legislation/regulations on any two types of part time &full time employment contract ?

1 answer

Some people say that increasing the minimum wage would result in employers firing workers to avoid paying higher wages, or would not hire new people. Others say, and have statistics to back them up, that there is little or no impact on employment levels when the minimum wage goes up.

Some say the Affordable Care Act has resulted in a loss of jobs because employers (with 50 or more employees) must provide health insurance. Others insist there is no impact, as jobs continue to be created anyway. There may be an impact in that employers can hire two part-time workers instead of one full-time worker and thus avoid the health insurance mandate for full-time workers. But some employers did that anyway (McDonald's, Wal-mart, etc.).

Environmental regulations (you can't dump your sewage in the river, for example, or pollute the air or soil) increase costs and cut down on profits, so fewer people will be hired to cut employee expenses. That is debatable, too.

Those are three suggestions. There are more. Look them all up, Google or Bing, and read the arguments pro and con.