I was just wondering if you could give me some tips to help eliminate invalid and unsound claims in writing.

Honestly, sometimes we are so blinded by our own thinking, it is difficult. In my experience, peer review is probably the best, but one has to be able to listen to critism constructively for that to work.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. When you are in the realm of "critical thinking" you will be essentially presenting a "persuasive essay." Here are some things to establish:
1. Begin with established fact on the subject. Begin with a clear definition of the basis of the argument.
2. Establish the "rules" on how to procede so you both fully understand and agree as to what will and/or what will not be allowed.
3. Present a reasonable conclusion.
Focus on 3 main points in your logical argument. Quote sources to establish authority and cite the sources you use. Don't be afraid to "try" your argument on several people and do not take the criticism personally!

need more information on critical thinking