I want to write sentences about asking people questions. The questions have to do with the future, so in some sense I guess they are hypothetical. I want to know if that means that I use the (imperfect) subjunctive as hypotheticals--I think so, but I want to make sure.
For example: I asked her if she would like to have a job by next year.
Le pregunté si quisiera tener un trabajo para el año que viene.
I asked her if the rate of pay would be important.
Le pregunté si el sueldo le importara.
Am I on the right track?
5 answers
I'll email this to SraJMcGin.
The instructions are what exactly? If it says to use the FUTURE, that's one thing. Is there a model or example for you to follow? What you write is fine for the Imperfect Subjunctive (either -ra or -se form) but I'm not sure that that is what you are to do without seeing the EXACT instructions.
Thank you--I am sorry for the confusion! Actually the assignment is a bit confusing as to what the end product should be. I am to summarize an actual conversation. I interviewed a friend about her plans for after she finishes school this May. Then I need to write it up but in the third person (or indirect speech)--so that I am not writing her direct quotes. Unfortunately, there is no model :( . . . that would have helped a lot.
In that case, you seem to be on the right track because you will begin in the past tense = I asked/did ask her if...and the Imperfect Subjunctive IS the most polite.
¡Gracias, Senora! Usted siempre es tan amable en ayudarnos.