I urgently need you to revise this paragraph I need to prepare on Gulliver's travels. Thank you

1) Gulliver’s Travels, which can be regarded as Swift’s masterpiece, consists of four books, each dealing with the various adventures of the ship’s surgeon Lemuel Gulliver, illustrated by maps of the places he visited.
2) On his first voyage, Gulliver is shipwrecked on the shore of Lilliput, an island located somewhere in the South Pacific whose inhabitants are only six inches tall. His body is carried to the capital and he is housed in an unused temple.
3) At first the Lilliputians hold him prisoner but they gradually come to trust him. In the end Gulliver is allowed to leave the country, which he does on a boat where he has stored the meat of a hundred oxen and three hundred sheep.
4) On his second voyage he sails for India but finds himself in Brobdingnag, a country Swift located in Alaska. The natives are civilized and tolerant giants twelve times as tall as Gulliver and he is nearly trampled to death. He is taken in by a farmer and later sold to the queen becoming the king’s pet. 4) The king likes talking with him about the system of government in England and Europe. Gulliver leaves the country by accident: the house-box in which he is kept is picked up by an eagle which carries it above the open sea and lets it drop. Gulliver is then rescued by an English ship.
5) On his third voyage his ship is attacked by pirates. He is set adrift on a small boat and eventually finds himself on the flying island of Laputa, whose inhabitants are absent-minded astronomers, philosophers and scientists.

1 answer

1. My only question is this: what ship?

2. OK

3. OK

4. The second sentence here reads oddly. They are civilized and tolerant, but they almost trample him to death?? These thoughts need to be in separate sentences and maybe reversed in order.

5. OK