I urgently need you to check these sentences on Macbeth. Thank you.

(The use of tenses in the paraphrase).

1) In Shakespeare’s day the second course was (is) the main part of the meal. Waking life is imagined as the first course, which gives some food to existence, but it is sleep which gives the greatest strength for life and is the chief nourisher.
2) Macbeth is regretful and upset by guilt. His sense of guilt makes him unable to act even to protect himself from discovery, and Lady Macbeth completes their plans. Lady M’s herself is not free of guilt since she seems to believe in Macbeth's voices.
3) Lady Macbeth is not free of guilt since she believes in Macbeth’s voices. She says he must get some water and wash away the blood from his hands which would (?) reveal his having done the murder.
4) She notices for the first time the daggers he has brought with him from the scene of the crime and tells him to return them and to smear the faces of the grooms with blood.
5) The blood on his hands is a witness or sign of the murder.Macbeth refuses to return the daggers and she derides his weakness.
6) She tells him that sleeping and dead people are like pictures feared only by children. A painted devil was an image of a devil painted in bright colours used in popular stage performances.
7) Only children are frightened by such things because they think that the devils are alive; as she knows that Duncan is not alive she has nothing to fear from him.

1 answer

1) "gives some food to existance?" Just what does that mean?

6) colours, used in (add comma)

7) is not alive, she (another comma)
