Summer is almost gone.
I would get this book NOW. STudy it.
Then keep the book to use as a reference during the year.
I struggle in the sciences and was wondering what I could do over the summer self studying wise to prepare for 10th grade chem?
11 answers
True, but I'm winding down my summer partying and trying to start getting back into school with a head start. Thank you very much for the reference, just ordered it. :)
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How's college??
College is fun but challenging so studying must be your main concern.To manage I have a time table for not only studying but everything that I do daily and dat helps me in control of everything
Just be calm nd prepare ur timetable nd act acc to it u ll get proper tym 2 study as well as play
scientific Notation for 180033000000.00
Chem for me was mad hard especially avagadros number, but then again i was always missing my chem class because i always had other stuff to do. but really just study hard, chem is not easy it is not a bunch of explosions and fun. it is pure math it is really boring.
100 cm of water at 60
Go to a Chemistry website to find your answer there are tons of Chemistry websites there's bound to be one with your answer start searching.
Chem Websites usually does the trick