I still have some doubts about a summary I made of Macbeth's plot. I hope you can have a look at it, too.

I included various alternatives. Please, tell me if they are all possible.

1)The play opens with the news that Macbeth has succeeded in defending Scotland from an invasion by the Norwegians.
2) While returning from his victorious battle, Macbeth and his friend Banquo meet the three witches. They predict /prophesy (??) that Macbeth would be Thane of Cadwor and king of Scotland. (Is it possible to say: they told Macbeth that he would be Thane ...)
3) They told B that he would be less than M, but more than M. He would be less lucky but more fortunate. He would never be king but his children’s children would be kings/would have the throne of Scotland.
4) They told him that a line of kings would come from him/would succeed him
He would father a line of kings.
M was very surprised at the three witches’ prediction and he couldn’t stop thinking about it.
5) He started to become more and more ambitious and he got excited at (?) the idea of becoming king.
Later Macbeth and Banquo meet the King’s messenger that tells Macbeth that the king has decided to reward him with the title of Thane of Cawdor. 6) Macbeth invites the king to his castle and writes a letter to his wife to inform her.
7) In her opinion, her husband needs her help to satisfy his ambition. As a matter of fact, she is tired of being just lady Macbeth: she wants to become queen. She carries out a plan to kill Duncan.
8)She plans to drug the soldiers guarding the king and then blame them for the king’s murder.Though Macbeth is frightened of his wife’s plan to kill the king, he accepts it.