I really need help, I could not figure this out.
5 answers
This is for Math
I have no idea what a "cool crafts portfolio" is. Ask your teacher to explain it to you.
I deleted your nasty remark. Any further remarks like that will earn you banishment from this website.
If you put "Math" in the School Subject box, and then state a math problem that you need help with, plus what YOU do or don't understand about it, then maybe someone can help.
If you cannot do these things, then you need to speak to your teacher.
If you put "Math" in the School Subject box, and then state a math problem that you need help with, plus what YOU do or don't understand about it, then maybe someone can help.
If you cannot do these things, then you need to speak to your teacher.
I've done it before, there are instructions, and there is material on the message boards, and there are teachers who will help.
Take a look here, there are ideas https://www.google.com/search?q=cool+crafts+portfolio&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1