I need to write a 7 page essay and I need some ideas for my paper so I could think of a thesis. I wrote a paper earlier on Gender roles, I'm not sure who helped me, but it is similar to this except this one is a research paper. I need at least 7 sources.
Argue and discuss gender roles within culture and society and how they are portrayed in 1-3 Disney films of my choice.
I haven't picked the films yet but my general topic is on gender roles and Disney films. Disney has a reputation of portraying male characters as dominant, aggresive, and masculine, while the female characters are mostly portrayed as beautiful princess', feminine, fearful, romantic, polite, and supportive. The number of male characters outnumber females, and females work in the home rather than outside.
Yes these movies are quite old and dated a while back, however, parents still view these types of films to their children til today. Disney even portrays the females as evil more than the males such as the evil step mother and step sisters of Cinderella and evil witches and so forth.
Will someone help me with some ideas for my argumentative paper so I can work on a thesis and an outline. Thank you.
1 answer
Use examples such as Cinderella and Snow While, etc. and Mulan