I need to know which alternatives (?) sound best. Thank you.
1) Describe what living and working conditions for slaves in 19-th century America were like. Refer then to when slave trade was banned from US (or the United States or America).
2)Describe the details of Winston Smith's life as they appear in the opening (?) to George Orwell's 1984?
3) Why can Orwell's 1984 be considered as an anti-utopian novel?
4) Go over George Orwell's life focusing your attention on those episodes which strengthened his indifference to accepted values and strong-mindedness. (not mindness?)
5) Through the shut window pane of his one-room apartment he can see a colourless place lit up (?) by the posters which are plastered everywhere.
6) On the opposite house-front he can see the poster of a black-moustached man looking down at (or "over"?) the captions “Big Brother is watching you”. Big brother, portrayed as a man with a black moustache, is the face of the Party.
1 answer
2) Describe the details of Winston Smith's life as they appear at the beginning of George Orwell's novel, 1984?
3) Why can Orwell's novel, 1984 be considered an anti-utopian novel?
4) Go over George Orwell's life, focusing on those episodes which strengthened his indifference to accepted values and strong-mindedness.
5) Through the closed window of his one-room apartment, he can see a colourless place lit up by the posters plastered everywhere.
6) On the opposite house-front, he can see the poster of a black-moustached man looking down at the caption “Big Brother is watching you”. Big brother, portrayed as a man with a black moustache, is the face of the Party.