I need to know what the different Taxes are, what % of people have to pay serten taxes and about civil rights. if you know a website that can help i would be very grateful. i tryed google but all i get are tax formes.


8 answers

The U.S. government imposes income taxes on nearly everyone, including businesses, who has an income. In addition, it also assesses a tax on gasoline that we use in our vehicles.

The other taxes we pay, such as property and sales taxes, are state and city assessments.
I forgot that we also pay the federal government Social Security taxes.
I know about those i also need to know about unimlpument tax, socal securty and real estate tax.
I also need to know were the cival rights come from. if you know a web sight i could look thease up that would help . curently im on wicapieda
oops i ment unemployment i spelled it wrong
Real estate taxes are assessed by local governing bodies, not the federal government.

Check these sites:



Wikipedia is a good place to start on just about any subject you're researching. Treat the articles you find like encyclopedia entries, though -- they give you the gist of what you're looking for, but they also give you excellent places to look for specific information -- be sure to check out all the external links and further references at the bottom of each Wikipedia page.
thank you for all the help
And remember that not all taxes have the word "tax" in their names!! Sometimes they're called fees, assessments, duties, tariffs, tolls, and many others.