I need to know the top ten violations that most United States industries are guilty of conducting. also i need to know what are some of the others countries top violations are.
You should probably research OSHA on Google and other search sites.
You might also check http://www.fedstats.gov
The problem with your question is an indefinite word: most.
Did you mean the top ten violations of US industries? Most industries are not violators.
Or did you mean the top ten violations of US companies?
There is a big difference in those questions.
The other question that came to mind is "top". Did you mean the most common? The biggest dollar value (fraud)? The most heinous (worker or consumer safety)?
Asking the right question is the key to getting the right information. Now, the bad news: If it isn't on the web, we probably cant help you. But, once you get your question figured out, perhaps we can give some results.