I need to know if I did this problem correctly:

5. Solve for x in |x - 3| >8
Work: |x - 3| >8
|x| > 8 +3
Anwer= x > 11

I also need help with these 2:

15. Comepare the quantity in Column A with the quantity in Column B.
Column A- slope of y = 2x +2
Column B- slope of 2y = 3x + 9
a. The quantity in Column A is greater.
b. The quantity in Column B is greater.
c. the two quantities are equal
d. the relationship cannot be determined on the basis of the information supplied.

22. Simplify .5(2.3 + 25)/ 1.5 to the nearest tenth.


1 answer

I don't know about 15.

5 looks right.

22. .5(27.3)/1.5

Divide both numerator and denominator by .5

25.3/3 = ?