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bidon = canteen, water bottle
draps = sheets
un sac de couchage = a sleeping bag
If the translation doesn't say the same, or you got phoney for bidon you may need a better dictionary. Invest in a good paperback French--->English/English --->French and write down ALL the possibilities for each word. Then select the best meaning based on the context, or exactly how the word is used.
I need to find out the english for the following french words, I have found the answers but it doesn't make a lot of sense when translated to english.
these items are on a list of things to take on a trip.
bidon = can (when looking at the list of items can doesn't mean anything to me does bidon mean anything else - I know it means phoney but that doesn'tmake sense either)
2 draps ou un sac de couchage = 2 sheets or sleeping bag (this is what I think it means but the translation doesn't say the same).
Hope you can help. Thanks
3 answers
Many thanks for your help. I will go to the mall later and buy a new french/english dictionary.
Here's my favorite inexpensive one: AMSCO