I need to find old regents exams of French and Living Environment for tomorrow!!!
There are a load of Living Environment ones but they require some kind of download which my computer can't do.
Please help.....I've looked but I just can't come up with anything!!!!!!!!!
p.s.- please leave a post even if you are not entirely sure...every little idea or suggestion will help and will be greatly appreciated!
Choose whatever seems useful.
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Your teacher may have old copies of the Regent's Exam in French. Here are some other places to use:
1. http://www.nysedregents.org/ (To to "languages other than..."
2. (Broken Link Removed) (This is for the New York State Regent's, foreign languages.)
3. http://www.regentsreviewlive.net/ (This is for the Regent's Review site. Slide down on the left to "French.")
Bonne Chance!