I need to explain why these misconceptions are not true. Could you please help me with this? 1. Boys who participate in the arts are more likely to be homosexual. 2. Girls are more interested in domestic arts than boys. in auto shop and wood shop than girls are. 4. Boys are more competitive in sports and academics than girls are. I need to put these misconceptions into a PowerPoint. Thanks for your help. ASAP!!

4 answers

We do not do your homework for you.
Here are some sites that may give you some good ideas.


After you have done some reading and writing, please repost and we will be happy to give you further suggestions/corrections if needed.
These are also fallacies -- they are sweeping generalizations. They imply that all boys who participate in the arts... or all girls are more interested ...

The "all" or "never" ideas don't work -- too sweeping!!
Most conclusions about gender differences are determined by averages (which do not seem to be due solely to chance variation). However, there is typically considerable overlap in scores.

For example, just take the average height of men and women. Even though men are significantly taller on average, there is considerable overlap between the two groups.

If you can find data on height, show the two overlapping curves with the difference in means, with the overlapping sections of the distributions shaded. You can generalize from this (or other similar) data to your questions.

Noting only the differences minimizes the common aspects that we share as humans, leaving us to view the genders more as "us" and "them." The discussion of this in the following source can be generalized to gender differences too.


I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.
fr be asking about homosexuals while i was being born ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)