I need to combine each of the folowing sentences and improve them( clarity and interest). English is not my first language,i am having harder times understanding this.

1. Every so often, a large group of wales or dolphins will throw itself upon shore. The whales strand themselves for no apparent reason.

2. Pilot whales are one species of marine mammal that frequently strand as a group. White-sided dolphins and false killer whales are two others.

3. All three species travel in groups. They are highly social.

4. Humans sometimes manage to discourage whales from running around. Then the animals simply try again later.

5. Individual mammals who beach themselves are often sick. Groups that run around are usually healthy.

6. Stranding almost invariably ends in daeth for these mammals. Why do they do it?

Thanks for help!

4 answers

1. Every so often, a large group of wales or dolphins will throw itself upon shore. The whales strand themselves for no apparent reason.
Every so often, a large group of whales or dolphins will strand themselves upon shore for no apparent reason.

As you can see, the object is to make one sentence out of two sentences. I also took out a few words to make the sentence easier to understand.

Please try the other sentences yourself. Doing this exercise is a good way of improving your English.

We'll be happy to comment on your answers.
Pilot whales are one species of marine mammal that frequently strand as a group. White-sided dolphins and false killer whales are two others. I am not sure on this one..

These three species are highly social and they travel in groups.

After human manage to discourage whales from running around,they simply try again later.

Individual mammals who beach themselves are often sick, however groups that run around are usually healthy.

Stranding almost invariably ends in daeth for these mammals. Why do they do it? I don't know this one..
Pilot whales are one species of marine mammal that frequently strand as a group. White-sided dolphins and false killer whales are two others. I am not sure on this one.
Make this all one sentence. How can you do this?

These three species are highly social and they travel in groups.

After human manage to discourage whales from running around,they simply try again later.
Use "humans" and clarify "they." (That is, who are "they"? Humans or whales?

Individual mammals who beach themselves are often sick, however groups that run around are usually healthy.
Not bad, but put a semicolon (;) after "sick" and a comma after "however."

Stranding almost invariably ends in daeth for these mammals. Why do they do it? I don't know this one..
Here's a suggestion: It's hard to understand why whales strand themselves when it almost invariably ends in death for them.
P.S. Here is an interesting site offering a reason why thos mammals strand themselves:

(Broken Link Removed)
