I need to ask at least 10 people the 20 polling questions below for my Government class. However, the one exception is that you must be 18 or older to answer these questions. Thanks for the help!
1. Which of the following statements best reflects your attiude about the candidates in the last presidential campaign?
a. I strongly favored the Democratic front-runner
b. I strongly favored the Republican front-runner
c. I strongly favored another candidate
d. I do not have a strong favorite
2. age
a. 18-29
b. 30-49
c. 50 and older
3. Sex
a. male
b. female
4. education level:
a. some secondary school
b. high school graduate
c. some college
d. college graduate and/ or graduate degree
5. # of people in your household:
a. 1
c. 3-4
d. 5 or more
6. marital status
a. married
b. divorce
c. widowed
d. single
7. are you likely to vote in the next presidential election?
a. yes
b. no
8. should marijuana be legalized?
9. should the drinking age be lowered?
10. are you for or against abortion?
11. are you for or against rights?
12. are you for or against death penalty?
13. do you think we should still be in Iraq?
14. should prostitution be legal in the US?
15. who would you want to be our next president?
a. obama
b. hilary
c. mckain
16. do you support universal health care?
17. should there be prayer in school?
18. are we in a recession?
19. should school hours be cut?
20. do you like George Bush?
1 answer
1. d, 2. c, 3. b, 4. d, 5. a, 6. c, 7. a, 8. no, 9. no, 10. depends, 11. against, 12. for, 13. no, 14. no, 15. McKain, 16. no, 17. yes, 18. yes, 19. no, 20. as a person, yes; as president, no!