i need this paragraph proofread plz
Imagination is an influence which directs life; its powerful stimulation can lead to either positive or negative outcomes. In the play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, imagination is a powerful force which leads Macbeth to commit several murders. Macbeth killed people for the sake of his dreams of becoming king also later to maintain his power as king. Imagination plays a vital role in real life; it gives us the motivation to do good or bad. The influence of imagination in real life can range from practicing to become a professional basketball player, to starting a business in hopes of becoming a millionaire. The outcome of following you imagination could be good or bad, it depends on what you strive for.
4 answers
its an opening paragrah for an essay
it is alright
That sounds good. Be sure to underline the title of the play.
Macbeth killed people for the sake of his dreams of becoming king also later to maintain his power as king.
The outcome of following you imagination could be good or bad, it depends on what you strive for.
run-on. Also get rid of "you" wherever it occurs in your paper; rephrase.
The outcome of following you imagination could be good or bad, it depends on what you strive for.
run-on. Also get rid of "you" wherever it occurs in your paper; rephrase.