I need my math notes minimized shrunk to fit onto two pages. What paid or free service can do this? I need all the examples taken from my 48 pages of notes onto one piece of paper (both sides) as a memory aid.

6 answers

After teaching many many years, I would claim that learning the stuff is
probably your best bet.
I'm allowed a memory aid by my professor and he told me to take the examples and homework problems and put them onto my memory aid, but I can't think of a way to shrink the information.
The only thing I can think of is to use a very small font — as small as possible that you can still read. For example, if everything is now in font size 12, reduce it to font size 6 and see what happens. Could you still read it? If that's still readable, but doesn't fit on 2 pages, try an even smaller font.
back in my day, we were allowed a single 3x5 card.
You kids today ... <smh>
I had a computer science professor who always gave open-book tests. His advice was: you may use your book, notes, whatever you want. But if you do, you will not finish the exam.

His tests were so long and thorough that if you didn't hit the ground running, knowing the material cold, you weren't going to have time to finish.

So learn your stuff, make a few key notes, and do your best. Take a deep breath and relax.
I have this because of memory problems, not everyone has this opportunity. Thanks for the advice.