I need helping writing my essay. My topic/title is "Should religious statements be kept in the church or released to the public." Just need help starting out!


5 answers

First, YOU need to decide what YOUR opinion is on this topic. Then, write down why you have that opinion.

Then repost and let us know what side of the question you are supporting, and we will be able to find you some material that will help you.
I think that religious statements should stay in the church.

For reasons such as Pat Robertson's statement on the Haiti earthquake. He should have kept that to himself.
Research and find facts to support your statement.

Take notes and then organize them.

You might want to revise your thesis statement.
That's not my thesis statement. Just my opinion on the topic. I think that religious statements should stay in the church. But how can I start my essay off?

The introduction is the LAST thing you should write. Write the body of your paper FIRST.