I need help with word pictures/puzzles.(1) head (no capitals or other words next to it, above or below it)...(2) yrooucrhkeasd (again, no words above, below or next to it) Thank you!

I'm sorry, but I don't understand. Can you give us more details about these pictures/puzzles?

These are word puzzles that represent a well known word or phrase. Example: head
____ = head over heels

I need to fiqure out what "yrooucrhkeasd" means (somewhere the word head in involved) and just the word "head". Does this help?

I can see the letters for 'your', 'head' and 'rocks'.
But it's mixed up or scrambled. So maybe it's 'scrambled rocks in your head'. Does that help?

Thank you very much! Yes, it does help!

unit 1 review

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