All the underlined words are in all capitals and all the bold words are in all capitals also.

1. Choose the meaning of the bold word.

They appeared to me DENIZENS of a brilliant existence. (“The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant")





2.   Choose the meaning of the bold word.

Failing that, I could have SURREPTITIOUSLY dumped the whole outfit overboard, written off the forty or so dollars as love’s tribute. (“The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant")





3.   Choose the meaning of the bold word.

But since he had called our names at the beginning of the service we were MOLLIFIED. (from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings)





4.   Choose the meaning of the bold word.

We were maids and farmers, handymen and washerwomen, and anything higher that we aspired to was farcical and PRESUMPTUOUS. (from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings)


too bold***



5.   Choose the meaning of the bold word.

The ugliness they left was PALPABLE. (from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings)

able to be felt***




6.   Choose the meaning of the bold word.

Narguess is still upset, SEETHING with anger. (My Forbidden Face)

suffering violent internal feelings***

displaying frustrated feelings

talking through enraged feelings

calming slightly annoyed feelings

7.   Choose the meaning of the bold word.

But Narguess, a colleague of Soraya’s and one of her best friends, is so INFURIATED that she rips off her chadri and screams, “It’s disgraceful to treat us like this!” (My Forbidden Face)

somewhat bothered

extremely angry***

slightly provoked

greatly irritated

8.   Choose the meaning of the bold word.

I suppose to these JADED twenty-year-olds, she seemed the incarnation of innocence and youth, while to me she appeared unutterably suave . . . (“The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant”)





9.   Choose the meaning of the bold word.

The BLEAK feeling was back within him. (“My Brother’s Keeper")





10.   Choose the meaning of the bold word.

Carmody was a LITHE, tanned man with dark alert eyes and a quiet, self-assured voice. (“My Brother’s Keeper")





11.   Identify the conjunction in the following sentence.

The baby is sleeping upstairs, so we have to remain extra quiet.





12.   Identify the choice that best describes the underlined word.

As I listened to Carlos, I pictured myself at the fair in ST.LOUIS

common noun

proper noun***

compound noun

collective noun

13.   Identify the choice that best describes the underlined word.

When Carlos presented the report to the class, HE brought in samples of the foods.

first-person pronoun

second-person pronoun***

third-person pronoun

reflexive pronoun

14.   Identify the preposition in the following sentence.

We drove over the bridge to enter the park.





15.   Identify the personal pronoun in the following sentence.

The little girl said she wanted to go to the zoo today.





16.   Identify the action verb in the following sentence.

Barry diligently writes to his grandmother every week.





17.   Identify the linking verb in the following sentence.

Michael is very compassionate.




18.   Identify the action verb in the following sentence.

Robert jumped from the parallel bars during his gymnastics routine.





19.   In which sentence is the word MY used as an interjection?

My, what a beautiful suit you are wearing!

My car almost went off the curvy road!

Do not mess with any of my things!***

I finally found my way out of the creepy house!

20.   In which sentence is the word BOY used as an interjection?

That boy worked on the project for more than an hour!***

There was not one single boy at the party!

“Boy, you’d better listen!” Al’s mother snapped.

“Boy, is it hot in this room!” Jake complained.

User Icon for Damon Damon answered
8 years ago

2. Choose the meaning of the bold word.

Failing that, I could have SURREPTITIOUSLY dumped the whole outfit overboard, written off the forty or so dollars as love’s tribute. (“The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant")


slyly #####################



3. Choose the meaning of the bold word.

But since he had called our names at the beginning of the service we were MOLLIFIED. (from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings)



calmed #####################


8. Choose the meaning of the bold word.

I suppose to these JADED twenty-year-olds, she seemed the incarnation of innocence and youth, while to me she appeared unutterably suave . . . (“The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant”)





9. Choose the meaning of the bold word.

The BLEAK feeling was back within him. (“My Brother’s Keeper")

hopeless #####################




10. Choose the meaning of the bold word.

Carmody was a LITHE, tanned man with dark alert eyes and a quiet, self-assured voice. (“My Brother’s Keeper")


graceful #####################



11. Identify the conjunction in the following sentence.

The baby is sleeping upstairs, so we have to remain extra quiet.

is*** is a VERB!!!!!!!!!!!

so ########################



12. Identify the choice that best describes the underlined word.

13. Identify the choice that best describes the underlined word.

When Carlos presented the report to the class, HE brought in samples of the foods.

first-person pronoun

second-person pronoun*** YOU????

third-person pronoun ###########

reflexive pronoun

14. Identify the preposition in the following sentence.

We drove over the bridge to enter the park.




we*** IS A NOUN !!!!!!

15. Identify the personal pronoun in the following sentence.

The little girl said she wanted to go to the zoo today.


she ############

girl*** is a NOUN


19. In which sentence is the word MY used as an interjection?

My, what a beautiful suit you are wearing! *************

My car almost went off the curvy road!

Do not mess with any of my things!*** adjective here

I finally found my way out of the creepy house!

20. In which sentence is the word BOY used as an interjection?

That boy worked on the project for more than an hour!*** NOUN HERE

There was not one single boy at the party!

“Boy, you’d better listen!” Al’s mother snapped.

“Boy, is it hot in this room!” Jake complained. ############

User Icon for Step-by-Step Bot Step-by-Step Bot answered
1 year ago

1. inhabitants

2. slyly
3. calmed
4. too bold
5. able to be felt
6. suffering violent internal feelings
7. extremely angry
8. doubtful
9. hopeless
10. graceful
11. so
12. proper noun
13. third-person pronoun
14. over
15. she
16. writes
17. is
18. jumped
19. Do not mess with any of my things!
20. That boy worked on the project for more than an hour!

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
1 year ago

1. The meaning of the bold word "DENIZENS" is inhabitants. To get this answer, you can look for clues in the context of the sentence. In this case, the author is describing how the individuals appeared to them, which implies that these individuals are part of a certain existence or environment. "Denizens" means inhabitants or residents of a particular place, so that is the most fitting meaning.

2. The meaning of the bold word "SURREPTITIOUSLY" is slyly. To get this answer, you can again look for clues in the context of the sentence. The author is talking about a possible action they could have taken, and the word "surreptitiously" suggests that it would have been done secretly or stealthily, which aligns with the meaning of "slyly."

3. The meaning of the bold word "MOLLIFIED" is calmed. To get this answer, you can rely on the context of the sentence. The author mentions that their names were called at the beginning of the service, and this seems to have had a soothing effect, indicating a change in their emotional state from possibly being upset or irritated to being calmed.

4. The meaning of the bold word "PRESUMPTUOUS" is too bold. To get this answer, you can again examine the context and tone of the sentence. The author is talking about aspirations and how anything higher that they aspired to was seen as ridiculous or excessive. "Presumptuous" means excessively bold, so it fits the context of the sentence.

5. The meaning of the bold word "PALPABLE" is able to be felt. To get this answer, you can use the clues provided in the context. The author states that the ugliness left behind by certain individuals was palpable. "Palpable" means able to be felt or perceived, which is appropriate when describing something as tangible as ugliness.

6. The meaning of the bold word "SEETHING" is suffering violent internal feelings. To get this answer, you can infer the meaning from the context provided. The author mentions that Narguess is upset, but the word "seething" adds intensity to the description. "Seething" means to be extremely angry or agitated, often accompanied by feelings that are internally boiling.

7. The meaning of the bold word "INFURIATED" is extremely angry. To get this answer, you can refer to the context of the sentence. The author mentions that Narguess is so infuriated that she rips off her chadri and screams. "Infuriated" means to be extremely angry or enraged, which matches the given description.

8. The meaning of the bold word "JADED" is doubtful. To get this answer, you can analyze the context and tone of the sentence. The author is comparing the perceptions of two different groups, and when describing how Sheila appeared to them, they use the word "jaded," which means doubtful or skeptical.

9. The meaning of the bold word "BLEAK" is hopeless. To get this answer, you can rely on the context of the sentence. The author mentions a feeling that is described as being back within the person, indicating a negative emotion. "Bleak" means lacking hope or having a sense of desolation, which matches the feeling described.

10. The meaning of the bold word "LITHE" is graceful. To get this answer, you can look at the context and the description of Carmody. The author describes Carmody as being tanned with dark alert eyes and a quiet, self-assured voice. "Lithe" means supple, graceful, or flexible, which aligns with the given description.

11. The conjunction in the sentence "The baby is sleeping upstairs, so we have to remain extra quiet" is "so." To get this answer, you can identify the word that connects the two clauses together. In this case, the word "so" indicates a cause-and-effect relationship between the baby sleeping upstairs and the need to remain extra quiet.

12. The underlined word "ST. LOUIS" is a proper noun. To get this answer, you can identify the type of noun that is being used. Proper nouns refer to specific people, places, or things and are capitalized, such as the name of a city like St. Louis.

13. The underlined word "HE" is a third-person pronoun. To get this answer, you can identify the type of pronoun being used. Third-person pronouns refer to individuals or things that are not the speaker or the person being spoken to, such as "he," which is referring to someone other than the speaker or the listener.

14. The preposition in the sentence "We drove over the bridge to enter the park" is "over." To get this answer, you can identify the word that shows the relationship between the action of driving and the destination of entering the park. In this case, "over" indicates the movement of driving over the bridge.

15. The personal pronoun in the sentence "The little girl said she wanted to go to the zoo today" is "she." To get this answer, you can identify the pronoun that replaces or refers to the subject "little girl" in the sentence.

16. The action verb in the sentence "Barry diligently writes to his grandmother every week" is "writes." To get this answer, you can identify the word that describes the action being performed by the subject "Barry." In this case, the action is the act of writing.

17. The linking verb in the sentence "Michael is very compassionate" is "is." To get this answer, you can identify the word that connects the subject "Michael" with the adjective "compassionate" and describes a state of being or condition. In this case, the verb "is" links the subject with the adjective to describe the subject's state of being.

18. The action verb in the sentence "Robert jumped from the parallel bars during his gymnastics routine" is "jumped." To get this answer, you can identify the word that describes the physical action performed by the subject "Robert." In this case, the action is the act of jumping.

19. The sentence where the word "MY" is used as an interjection is "Do not mess with any of my things!" To get this answer, you can identify the sentence where "MY" is used to express strong emotion or surprise, often followed by an exclamation mark.

20. The sentence where the word "BOY" is used as an interjection is "That boy worked on the project for more than an hour!" To get this answer, you can identify the sentence where "BOY" is used to express strong emotion or surprise.