I am a Roman slave because the Romans have occupied my country. I did not fight in the battles with the Romans. My native country was Greece, and now my family lives in Greece. Soon my family will sail for Italy.
Now I live in a town in Italy. I work in the house of master. Many slaves work in the fields, and horses carry the grain to the house. One slave is from Spain and is a teacher. The Spanish slave is Luis. Luis is the teacher of the boys in the house of the master. He will soon be a free man and will not be a slave anymore.
The lord and I are friends. The master is grateful to me because I had at one time saved his son's life in front of the temple. In Greece my name was Xeno: my Roman name is a common Roman boy’s name. Soon I hope to be free and to be a Roman man.
I need help with this!
(I know we're not supposed to post homework. I will post what i think it is in a min)
Sum servus quod* Romani meam (my) patriam occupabant. In proeliis Romanis non pugnabam. Mea patria erat Graecia*, et nunc mea familia in Graecia habitat. Mox mea familia ad Italiam navigabit.
Habito et laboro in casa domini . Multi (many) servi in agris laborant. Equi frumentum portant. Unus (one) servus est magister. Servus est Egnatius. Egnatius est de Hispania. Egnatius est magister puerorum. Mox non i am (no longer) erit servus.
Dominus me amat. Dominus me amat quod* vitam fili servabam. Sum Xeno; Romae (in Rome) sum Sextus*. Mox liber (free) ero.
6 answers
Is this right or close to right?
Please re-think the underlined sections below:
I am a Roman slave because the Romans have occupied my country. I did not fight in the battles with the Romans. My native country was Greece, and now my family lives in Greece. Soon my family will sail for Italy.
Now I live in a town in Italy. I work in the house of master. Many slaves work in the fields, and horses carry the grain to the house. One slave is from Spain and is a teacher. The Spanish slave is Luis. Luis is the teacher of the boys in the house of the master. He will soon be a free man and will not be a slave anymore. [Are you expected to have more in the English than is in the Latin?]
The lord and I are friends. The master is grateful to me because I had at one time saved his son's life in front of the temple. In Greece my name was Xeno: my Roman name is a common Roman boy’s name. Soon I hope to be free and to be a Roman man.
I am a Roman slave because the Romans have occupied my country. I did not fight in the battles with the Romans. My native country was Greece, and now my family lives in Greece. Soon my family will sail for Italy.
Now I live in a town in Italy. I work in the house of master. Many slaves work in the fields, and horses carry the grain to the house. One slave is from Spain and is a teacher. The Spanish slave is Luis. Luis is the teacher of the boys in the house of the master. He will soon be a free man and will not be a slave anymore. [Are you expected to have more in the English than is in the Latin?]
The lord and I are friends. The master is grateful to me because I had at one time saved his son's life in front of the temple. In Greece my name was Xeno: my Roman name is a common Roman boy’s name. Soon I hope to be free and to be a Roman man.
What does sum mean, it’s constantly popping up in sentences I’m supposed to translate but it’s not in any vocabulary and the only translation I can find is be in the dictionary.
sum= I am
The translation I need looked over is "Dominus me amat. Dominus me amat quod* vitam fili servabam. Sum Xeno; Romae (in Rome) sum Sextus*. Mox liber (free) ero."
This is the answer I got- The master loves me. The master loves me becaue I saved the life of the son (or I saved the son's life?) I am Xeno; in Rome I am Sextus. Soon I will be free.
This is the answer I got- The master loves me. The master loves me becaue I saved the life of the son (or I saved the son's life?) I am Xeno; in Rome I am Sextus. Soon I will be free.