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For the past years, the war of the game console giants has been a continued and heated debate. Many claims and supports various kinds of game consoles, however, many also throw negative comments in order to overpower the other. Xbox One of Microsoft and PS4 of Sony are indeed two game giants that will most likely continue to be the subject of debate among game enthusiasts. Nevertheless, a review of the specific features of these two will provide a clearer picture of why PS4 has taken the lead and put Xbox One to shame.
First on the record is the price and physical feature of the game consoles. Checking purely based on the initial cash outlay, PS4 will typically be friendly to gamers, costing $399 compared to Xbox amounting to $499 as the starting amount.The $100 difference could be material, gamers can still use this amount to purchase additional feature or set for their improved and more enjoyable gaming experience. The subscription service is also cheaper with PS4, and is only required for multiplayer and online servers. Practically speaking, PS4 sure stands out. In terms of physical feature, PS4 looks better than Xbox One. The slick and slender physical feature of PS4 gives a more attractive and user-friendly feeling compared to the thick and chunky Xbox One.
The next one is the internal feature, such as hard drives and internal game studios, which will give the overall exciting gaming experience for the users. Many people would surely argue that the internal hardware of PS4 is only stronger based on paper and theories but actual users can attest that this is true and such gave them a great experience. If we try to compare different games and titles which can be played in both games, the difference will surely arise. As a result of better internal drive, some of the games and its versions have better resolutions, with PS4 having 1080p resolution, it smashed off the 900p resolution of Xbox One. Needless to say that advanced versions of PS4 and Xbox One, PS4 Pro can play many games in 4K as compared with the Xbox One S. Another advantage that can be observed when trying to compare games and its versions is the difference in sound quality and visual effects, PS4 beating Xbox One. When it comes to internal game studios, Sony’s PS4 also outshine Xbox because Sony has a lot of game studio networks that allows them to have these games exclusively for PS4.
Some people claim to want to choose xbox one because now the price is like about $229.99 and games are launched without disc switch due to installs.Also, they might think that they have a generally good background of online services and reliable press and UI performance.However the ps4 is better than xbox one because ps4 have a better Performances even if you don’t upgrade and most people like having a great performances to play games.Also, ps4 is better in graphic and ps4 games routinely run in higher resolution or with frame per second.
Considering all these pros and cons of both game consoles, the contest between these two giants is tight, as both possess features not be present with the other, but PS4 stands out strong. From being budget-friendly to specific gaming features and additional entertainment, PS4 has won the battle. However, the judgement will still depend on what gamers’ preferences and which brand would they be comfortable of using in order to have absolute gaming experience. Each one has different opinions where they are free to choose. As for me, I will choose PS4 as the gaming console champion.
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