I need help with these questions. The first question I have to make the language nonsexist for inclusive language. Question is The directors and their wives met the stockholders for a night on the town. Second question is making language nonsexist Question is Each advisor was contacted by his students. Thanks Clark

The assumption in each of those sentences is that the primary people referred to are male: directors (because of "wives"), advisor (because of "his"). How can you change those words so that the reference could be either male or female?

Here's a good webpage that can help:

Please re-post when you have made the little changes in those sentences, and we'll give you feedback on your work.


First question i changed to:
The directors and their spouses met the stockholders for a night on the town.
second question I changed to:
Each advisor was contacted by their students.

The first sentence is fine.

In the second sentence, if you want to use "their" (good idea, by the way), be sure to use "The advisors" to make them both plural (the pronoun "their" and its antecedent "advisors").

If you don't understand this, please let me know. It's not always an easy concept.


The directors and their wives met the stockholders for a night on the town.

Fix my sentence, please. The directors and their wives met the stockholders for a night on the town.