Rewrite the following sentences, focusing on the grammar area specified in the left column. To enter your answer, click next to the number and begin typing. If the sentence is already correct, write No Change.

Inclusive Language—Making Language Nonsexist
The directors and their wives met the stockholders for a night on the town.

Your answer:

Inclusive Language—Making Language Nonsexist
Each advisor was contacted by his students.

Your answer:

Inclusive Language—Making Language Nonsexist
The minister joined the couple together as man and wife.

Your answer:

Inclusive Language—Making Language Nonracist and Nonagist
She is a very capable black woman.

Your answer:

Inclusive Language—Making Language Nonracist and Nonagist
His grandmother really enjoys spending the afternoon at the center for senior citizens.

Your answer:

Inclusive Language—Making Language Nonracist and Nonagist
It’s hard to believe that a woman her age could accomplish so much.

Your answer:

Inclusive Language—Making Language Nonracist and Nonagist
One of the high points of our trip was seeing the Canadian Eskimos in their traditional garb.

Your answer:

Inclusive Language—Talking about People with Disabilities and Diseases
Her brother’s friend is an AIDS victim.

Your answer:

Inclusive Language—Quoting from Biased Sources
The law from the 1800s mandated that men could buy alcohol and cigarettes only from a state store.

Your answer:

Inclusive Language—Quoting from Biased Sources
The employee guide indicated that men could add their spouses to their health care plan.

Your answer:

Please note that we don't do students' homework for them.

Once YOU have come up with attempted answers to YOUR questions, please re-post and let us know what you think. Then someone here will be happy to critique your work.


Just change the wording so your not gender specific instead of wives- spouse. Instead of his or her use their. on down the line.

Inclusive Language—Making Language Nonsexist
The directors and their wives met the stockholders for a night on the town.
my reply
1. The directors and their spouses met the stockholders for a night on the town.
