I need help studing for my A&P test. I just don't get this stuff. does anyone know a easy way to remember this all?

3 answers

College is NOT your school subject!

What is an "A & P test?"

If you provided more information, we might be able to help you.
Please note that the Jiskha Homework Help Forum has no connection with any school, college or university.

Most questions are answered by retired teachers from many states and at least three different countries.
I am assuming you are referring to "Anatomy and Physiology." It is clearest when acronyms are defined, when they are first used in any communication.


When you are learning something that is really new, it is never easy. Learning is easier, if you are just "rehashing" or using previously-learned material. Learning anything that is really new always takes a great deal of time and effort.

Here are some articles that might be helpful.


Although all of these suggestions may not apply to you, most of them should be helpful. Thanks for asking.