I need help. I think I figured the first one out. There are only 8 answers. Use the present subjunctive or the future indicative for of the verbs in parentheses. (the first verb is ser and I used era)

Hace tres dias octavio y miguel estan en costa rica. Estoy segura de que el viaje (era) fantastico para los dos. Creo que alli (ir) a ver plantas exoticas de todo tipo. Dudo que ellos (poder) hacer todo lo que quieren en solo tres dias. Hay muchos lugares interesantes que visitar. Es posible que ellos (ir) solo a dos o tres lugares. Es posible que uno de esos dias ellos (poder) visitar la selva tropical. La naturaleza de costa rica es impresionante. En costa rica van a ver que es muy importante cuidar la naturaleza. donato y yo creemos que en el futuro es posible que no (haber) tanta contaminacion en el mundo entero si los paises se juntan. Pero algunos creen que eso no (ser) posible. Yo creo que no es imposible que nosotros (resolver) estos problemas.

3 answers

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. If you don't know how to make accent marks on the computer, tell me 2 things: 1) do you have a PC or a MAC and 2) do you have Windows or not.

Because O. y M. are still in Costa Rica, I'd say "el viaje será" because your instructions say Pres. Subj. OR Future.

Just a minute, we do not DO the homework for you but HELP after you have attempted it. Come back with YOUR choices, please, and then I'll correct it for you. To save time, you won't need to retype everything, just provide the forms you wrote for the verbs in parentheses.

P.S. This will help you decide:

You want the Subjunctive IF:
1. if the main verb expresses a wish, advice, command, desire, hope, permission, preference, request

2. if the main verb expresses emotion = fear, joy, sorrow, regret, surprise

3. if the main verb xpresses doubt, disbelief, denial

4. if the main clause contains an impersonal expression implying 1, 2, 3) unless it indicates certainty.

There are definitely other reasons to use the Subjunctive but you don't seem to have those here.

I have my answers, waiting for yours.


I wish I could draw on the blackboard what I always drew for my students and they rarely had difficulty determining whether something was the Indicative or the Subjunctive.

Imagine a locomotive (meaning the main clause) + QUE (the trailer hitch) + caboose (going along for the ride.) If you classify the main verb as 1, 2, or 3 (including 4) use the Subjunctive, otherwise use the Indicative.