I need help doing a thesis for Macbeth by Shakespeare. I'm focusing on the character Macbeth and my theme is ambition.
-He is shown as a loyal soldier who is kind (fill with the mill of human kindness)
-He gets startled when the witches tell him his 3 prophecies
-He hesitates to act on the prophecies.
-He knows that's what he wants, to be king but doesn't want to do immoral acts to pursue his ambition
- Lady Macbeth is the one who manipulates him into pursuing his ambition.
- He does kill Duncan and is haunted for committing murder (shown by hallucinations)
- He is not at peace and regrets what he has done
- He is so used to killing people and doing cruel acts that nothing scares him anymore. He is no longer afraid of anything
-He s no motivation left for his ambitions so he feels his life is useless
I'm having trouble writing a thesis about Macbeth with the theme of ambition.
When a (loyal or suggestive or absily manipulated) individual is given an oppuruntity to pursue their ambition....... not sure
4 answers
This webpage makes excellent points about writing a paper about a piece of literature. The first part focuses on the format of the paper and other technical needs. The second part is specific about how to write papers about any literary work: