I need help

Concerning the land bridge theory, which of the following statements are true? Select all that apply.
A. It is a Native American theory.
B. It is a scientific theory.
C. It tells the story of Coyote, the trickster.
D. It offers an explanation of how Washington’s First People came to be here.
E. It offers an explanation of when Washington’s First People came to be here.
F. It describes a time when sea levels were much higher than they are now.

They carved the great monster and now Coyote began dealing out portions of the body to various parts of the country all over the land; toward the sunrise. Toward the sunset, toward the warmth, toward the cold, and by that act destining and forenaming the various people; Coeur d’Alene, Cayuse, Pend Oreilles, Flathead, Blackfeet, Crow, Sioux, et al. And now Fox came up to Coyote, “What is the meaning of this, Coyote? You have distributed all of the body to faraway lands but have given yourself nothing for this immediate locality.” And he (Coyote) turned to the people and said, “Bring me some water with which to wash my hands.” They brought him water and he washed his hands and now with the bloody wash water he sprinkled the local regions saying, “You may be little people but you will be powerful. Even though you will be little people because I have deprived you, nevertheless you will be very, very, manly.”
Use the passage to answer the question.
What does this excerpt of the Nez Perce story of the creation of humans explain?
A. how animals came to be the servants of people
B. how different groups of people came to be located in different areas
C. how superior people were created before inferior people
D. how people are weak and foolish but animals are strong and wise

Which phrase or clause in the passage helped you decide your answer to the previous question?
A. parts of the country all over the land
B. they carved a great monster
C. brought him water and he washed his hands
D. and now Fox came up to Coyote

Why do scientists believe the discovery of the Clovis spear points in Washington is significant?
A. They are the only evidence of ancient humans in the Pacific Northwest.
B. They prove that ancient farmers were also great hunters.
C. They show that ancient hunters used metal weapons to hunt mastodons.
D. They support the claim that humans lived in the area at the end of the last ice age.

What may scientists determine through the study of ancient bones or teeth? Select all that apply.
A. when the person or animal lived
B. why the person or animal migrated
C. what age the person or animal was at death
D. what the person or animal thought
E. where the person or animal was born

What does the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act require of archaeologists and museums?
A. to abandon all archaeological digs on tribal lands so that human remains are not disturbed
B. to accurately link cultural items and human remains with the native tribe to which they belong
C. to participate in solemn burial ceremonies for the remains that have been studied
D. to return Native American cultural items and human remains to their tribes

Why did some Native Americans oppose the scientific study of Kennewick Man?
A. Archaeologists would not share their findings with the public.
B. Native Americans believe Kennewick Man is an ancestor they need to bury.
C. Archaeologists insisted that Native American bones and artifacts be left at burial sites instead of being moved to labs.
D. Native Americans want archaeologists to remove bones and artifacts from their burial places.

Why was it difficult to determine who should have Kennewick Man?
A. It was unclear until recent soil samples were taken whether Kennewick Man was killed where his body was found.
B. It was unclear until recent state judges’ rulings which museum should conduct scientific studies on the bones.
C. It was unclear until recent genetic testing whether Kennewick Man was of Native American ancestry.
D. It was unclear until a recent Supreme Court ruling whether the Army Corps of Engineers should have the bones.

What significant difference between the Plateau tribes and the Coastal tribes was caused by geography?
A. The Coastal tribes hunted more seafood than the Plateau tribes did.
B. The Plateau tribes had larger canoes than the Coastal tribes did.
C. The Plateau tribes had more spiritual ceremonies than the Coastal tribes did.
D. The Coastal tribes lived in a harsher winter environment than the Plateau tribes did.

What might account for the many differences between the Coastal and Plateau tribes?
A. They lived in regions where climate was markedly different.
B. They allowed no interactions between the tribes.
C. They competed for the same hunting and fishing areas.
D. They were descendants of people from Asia and Central America.

Which statement best describes how Native Americans provided food for their families?
A. The women gathered plants, nuts, and berries, and the men hunted and fished.
B. The women cultivated fruits and vegetables and the men slaughtered stock animals.
C. The women tended the stock animals and the men cultivated the fields.
D. The women grew crops and preserved them and the men traded skilled crafts for food.

Which of the following provided the greatest advancement in the way Native Americans lived between ancient times and after European settlers arrived?
A. development of stone tools
B. use of the canoe for travel and fishing
C. use of the horse for hunting and travel
D. development of portable shelters

How do Native Americans from Coastal tribes honor their ancient heritage and culture today?
A. by joining with tribes in British Columbia for the annual canoe journey
B. by joining with Plateau tribes for the annual salmon catch at Celilo Falls
C. by showing their prowess as horsemen in the Okanogan Stampede
D. by taking part in the annual buffalo hunt in Klamath Falls

Which of the following ceremonies would result in a leader losing possessions but gaining respect and esteem from the other members of the tribe?
A. a rite of passage ceremony
B. the first salmon ceremony
C. the potlatch ceremony
D. a powwow ceremony

Why was it difficult for Washington’s Native Americans to continue land-based religious practices?
A. Environmental groups objected to the use of natural resources in religious ceremonies.
B. Laws granting religious freedom did not apply to Washington tribes.
C. The government banned many Native American religious ceremonies.
D. Tribal leaders signed treaties that gave up sacred lands.

How did Native Americans obtain the right to practice the religion of their culture?
A. with ratification of the United States Bill of Rights in 1791
B. when the American government came to Washington and introduced the tribes to Christianity
C. after their tribal leaders began their religious freedom petition of the Washington government
D. with the passage of the American Indian Religious Freedom Act in 1978

24 answers

I'll be glad to check 5 of your answers to these questions.
why not get the answer for all of them?
yeah ms sue why not all
i just need some answers...i’m failing this class 😭😭😭😭
plz i need answers 😢 im really faling this class im a f plz i really need answers
plss need answers
if you are taking the connexus quiz, these are 100% correct
Are you sure hi?
Im taking the test
yes i took the test and saw the correct answers
i am here to help is correct and so is hi
both should get you an A
theirs 18 questions
17/17 “hi” is correct!
"Hi" is correct except for #1 and #3, the answers are BCD(1) and AC(3)
18 questions dude
They know there are 18 questions. They are just doing as much as they know.
The answers are

1)Concerning the land bridge theory, which of the following statements are true? Select all that apply.
Incorrect answer A. It is a Native American theory.
Correct answer B. It is a scientific theory.
Incorrect answer C. It tells the story of Coyote, the trickster.
Correct answer D. It offers an explanation of how Washington’s First People came to be here.
Correct answer E. It offers an explanation of when Washington’s First People came to be here.
Incorrect answer F. It describes a time when sea levels were much higher than they are now.

2)They carved the great monster and now Coyote began dealing out portions of the body to various parts of the country all over the land; toward the sunrise. Toward the sunset, toward the warmth, toward the cold, and by that act destining and forenaming the various people; Coeur d’Alene, Cayuse, Pend Oreilles, Flathead, Blackfeet, Crow, Sioux, et al. And now Fox came up to Coyote, “What is the meaning of this, Coyote? You have distributed all of the body to faraway lands but have given yourself nothing for this immediate locality.” And he (Coyote) turned to the people and said, “Bring me some water with which to wash my hands.” They brought him water and he washed his hands and now with the bloody wash water he sprinkled the local regions saying, “You may be little people but you will be powerful. Even though you will be little people because I have deprived you, nevertheless you will be very, very, manly.”
Use the passage to answer the question.
What does this excerpt of the Nez Perce story of the creation of humans explain?
Incorrect answer A. how animals came to be the servants of people
Correct answer B. how different groups of people came to be located in different areas
Incorrect answer C. how superior people were created before inferior people
Incorrect answer D. how people are weak and foolish but animals are strong and wise

3)Which phrase or clause in the passage helped you decide your answer to the previous question?
Correct answer A. parts of the country all over the land
Incorrect answer B. they carved a great monster
Incorrect answer C. brought him water and he washed his hands
Incorrect answer D. and now Fox came up to Coyote

4)Why do scientists believe the discovery of the Clovis spear points in Washington is significant?
Incorrect answer A. They are the only evidence of ancient humans in the Pacific Northwest.
Incorrect answer B. They prove that ancient farmers were also great hunters.
Incorrect answer C. They show that ancient hunters used metal weapons to hunt mastodons.
Correct answer D. They support the claim that humans lived in the area at the end of the last ice age.

5)What may scientists determine through the study of ancient bones or teeth? Select all that apply.
Correct answer A. when the person or animal lived
Incorrect answer B. why the person or animal migrated
Correct answer C. what age the person or animal was at death
Incorrect answer D. what the person or animal thought
Incorrect answer E. where the person or animal was born

6)What does the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act require of archaeologists and museums?
Incorrect answer A. to abandon all archaeological digs on tribal lands so that human remains are not disturbed
Incorrect answer B. to accurately link cultural items and human remains with the native tribe to which they belong
Incorrect answer C. to participate in solemn burial ceremonies for the remains that have been studied
Correct answer D. to return Native American cultural items and human remains to their tribes

7)Why did some Native Americans oppose the scientific study of Kennewick Man?
Incorrect answer A. Archaeologists would not share their findings with the public.
Correct answer B. Native Americans believe Kennewick Man is an ancestor they need to bury.
Incorrect answer C. Archaeologists insisted that Native American bones and artifacts be left at burial sites instead of being moved to labs.
Incorrect answer D. Native Americans want archaeologists to remove bones and artifacts from their burial places.

8)Why was it difficult to determine who should have Kennewick Man?
Incorrect answer A. It was unclear until recent soil samples were taken whether Kennewick Man was killed where his body was found.
Incorrect answer B. It was unclear until recent state judges’ rulings which museum should conduct scientific studies on the bones.
Correct answer C. It was unclear until recent genetic testing whether Kennewick Man was of Native American ancestry.
Incorrect answer D. It was unclear until a recent Supreme Court ruling whether the Army Corps of Engineers should have the bones.

9)What significant difference between the Plateau tribes and the Coastal tribes was caused by geography?
Correct answer A. The Coastal tribes hunted more seafood than the Plateau tribes did.
Incorrect answer B. The Plateau tribes had larger canoes than the Coastal tribes did.
Incorrect answer C. The Plateau tribes had more spiritual ceremonies than the Coastal tribes did.
Incorrect answer D. The Coastal tribes lived in a harsher winter environment than the Plateau tribes did.

10)What might account for the many differences between the Coastal and Plateau tribes?
Correct answer A. They lived in regions where climate was markedly different.
Incorrect answer B. They allowed no interactions between the tribes.
Incorrect answer C. They competed for the same hunting and fishing areas.
Incorrect answer D. They were descendants of people from Asia and Central America.

11)Which statement best describes how Native Americans provided food for their families?
Correct answer A. The women gathered plants, nuts, and berries, and the men hunted and fished.
Incorrect answer B. The women cultivated fruits and vegetables and the men slaughtered stock animals.
Incorrect answer C. The women tended the stock animals and the men cultivated the fields.
Incorrect answer D. The women grew crops and preserved them and the men traded skilled crafts for food.

12)Which of the following provided the greatest advancement in the way Native Americans lived between ancient times and after European settlers arrived?
Incorrect answer A. development of stone tools
Incorrect answer B. use of the canoe for travel and fishing
Correct answer C. use of the horse for hunting and travel
Incorrect answer D. development of portable shelters

13)How do Native Americans from Coastal tribes honor their ancient heritage and culture today?
Correct answer A. by joining with tribes in British Columbia for the annual canoe journey
Incorrect answer B. by joining with Plateau tribes for the annual salmon catch at Celilo Falls
Incorrect answer C. by showing their prowess as horsemen in the Okanogan Stampede
Incorrect answer D. by taking part in the annual buffalo hunt in Klamath Falls

14)Which of the following ceremonies would result in a leader losing possessions but gaining respect and esteem from the other members of the tribe?
Incorrect answer A. a rite of passage ceremony
Incorrect answer B. the first salmon ceremony
Correct answer C. the potlatch ceremony
Incorrect answer D. a powwow ceremony

15)Why was it difficult for Washington’s Native Americans to continue land-based religious practices?
Incorrect answer A. Environmental groups objected to the use of natural resources in religious ceremonies.
Incorrect answer B. Laws granting religious freedom did not apply to Washington tribes.
Correct answer C. The government banned many Native American religious ceremonies.
Incorrect answer D. Tribal leaders signed treaties that gave up sacred lands.

16)How did Native Americans obtain the right to practice the religion of their culture?
Incorrect answer A. with ratification of the United States Bill of Rights in 1791
Incorrect answer B. when the American government came to Washington and introduced the tribes to Christianity
Incorrect answer C. after their tribal leaders began their religious freedom petition of the Washington government
Correct answer D. with the passage of the American Indian Religious Freedom Act in 1978

17)There are many different regions in Washington. Because of that, the geography varies. Coastal tribes had different traditions than plateau tribes because they had access to totally different things. Coastal tribes would make canoes for travel, use cedar wood for almost everything, and did lots of fishing. In the west, there are waterways making up most of the area. If not water, there are trees and mountains. On the other hand, Plateau tribes used horses for travel, dried fruits in the sun, and had hot summers and cold winters. In eastern Washington, there are many ongoing fields and is quite open making horse travel the most efficient. The hot summer heat makes a lot more things possible allowing many different traditions than coastal tribes.

18)The Native American leadership ways and practices didn't align with the American governments and the European settlers style of leading. Native Americans' religious practices were mainly land based. The American government passed laws that prohibited most of the natives' practices and ceremonies. The government disapproved of the things that happened at native ceremonies. They also believed that if they could get natives to become Christian, they would be easier to cooperate with. That caused the tribes' relationship with the government to decline. Many Native American tribes had two leaders; one native chief, and one non-native leader. That leadership style led to many misunderstandings in the non-native community. People in the U.S. government specifically chose tribes that they knew would work with them. Overall, the relationship between Native Americans and the American government was not very good.

Thx so much @Joyce and @hi
JOYCE IS CORRECT he saved me from failing!!