We see no work on your part? Do what you can do and we will be happy to proofread, etc. IF you need a translation for this poem, surely you are studying Spanish?
i need a tranlation for this poem please :
EN tanto que de rosa y azucena
se muestra la color en vuestro gesto,
y que vuestro mirar ardiente, honesto,
enciende el corazon y lo refrena,
y en tanto el cabello que en la vena del oro se escogio, con vuelo presto
por el hermoso cuello blanco, enhiesto,
el viento mueve,esparce y desordena
2 answers
what i have for the first part is
while of a rose and lily
si shown the in your gesture
and that yours to look at ardent,honest,lights of the heart and restrains it
while of a rose and lily
si shown the in your gesture
and that yours to look at ardent,honest,lights of the heart and restrains it