I need a good attention grabber for the introduction of my paper was as a social disease? I was wondering if you think that this quote fits with the topic or have another one in mind that I could use.
War is a malignant disease, an idiocy, a prison, and the pain it
causes is beyond telling or meaning; but war was our condition
and our history, the place we had to live in.
10 answers
Looks good to me. Who is the author?
Martha Gelhorn you think that it fits good with the topic though? So that's my attention grabber do I need to put a sentence after it explaining it?
Yes, that sentence is great for introducing your topic. It doesn't need an explanation, but you should have a transition sentence before going on. Also since you've found that fear is the prime cause of war, you should include that in your thesis statement.
That is another question that I have. I'm kind of confused on how to write my thesis because the essay was on war as a social disease and the three body paragraphs were Dissection/Nummeration/ Conflict/Problem/Solution, and Root Principle. How would I write it without clearing stating those three things.
I assume that your body paragraphs support your thesis that fear is the primary cause of war as a social disease.
In the introduction he wants us to have an attention grabber, define& qualify key aspects, and have a thesis?
What does he mean to define & qualify key aspects?
What does he mean to define & qualify key aspects?
You should explain how and why war is a social disease.
Thank you so much!!!
You're very welcome.