1) imagines....can not...weighs
imagined....could not...weighed
2) You might want to capitalize "Amen."
5 & 6 = not too many "take"
I just wanted you to clarify a few doubts.
You have already checked the first sentence. I just wanted to know if the use of the present is correct.
1) He imagines that even all the water from Neptune's ocean could not wash away the burden of guilt that weighs (not weighed) on his tormented mind.
2) He is regretful but not repentant of the murder he has committed since he was unable to say "amen".
3) Macbeth contrives the murder of Duncan and is slain by Macduff.
4) The witches prophesy Banquo will beget a line of kings.
5) Lady Macbeth decides to take an active part in the murder scene.
6) She decides to take destiny into her own hands, taking command of her husband (manipulating her husband's mind?)
I think there are too many "take" in the last two sentences.
1 answer