Obviously, most readers of this board have been in 7th grade. I've even taught 7th grade. However, different states, even different schools, teach different things in 7th grade science. Some emphasize biological science, others emphasize physical science.
Why not check your science book to see what's in it?
I just wanna know anyone who's been in 7th grade what do you learn in science mostly throughout the year??
33 answers
In my school, we have three units for seventh grade: Chemistry, Physics, & Astronomy. If you want to know your personal science class curriculum, ask your teacher!
Hope I helped!
Hope I helped!
most thing we learn in 7th grade is
about DNA and about eye and ear
about DNA and about eye and ear
In my school, so far, we learned about biology (life functions, classification, cells-organelles-and their functions-etc., human nutrition/digestion, human excretion/respiration, human circulatory system, reproduction...) and we just started chemistry (studying periodic table of elements, physical and chemical properties, and physical and chemical changes right now). We are also going to learn physics later, and maybe a little bit earth science. We covered a lot of topics [and I mean a lot, I had to study over 500 vocabulary words, not counting all the tables and other things I had to study]. But, like Ms. Sue said, it really depends on where you live, what school you go to, and other things [like in my school, it is divided up into parts: General (the students here go to their zone school), Cyber (magnet program), Vanguard (gifted program), CIG (highest gifted program because math and science is high school level)]. Also, where I live, the department of education changed everything and made everything really difficult (common core now).
You learn about the sex process.
Deoxyribonucleic acid
Earth / Space Science
Well we learn about the Earth and DNA and plants and all of the components of a plant we also learn about Animals.
area of a cross section
I don't like science...:]
I did Physics, Earth sciences, Natural resources and Biology
Cells and Herdity
Science Wasn't my think until now, in science I'm learning about the human body, earth science, a little chemistry, and a new journey througth the future.
You learn digestion and nutrients and cells basically the body functions of life
Hi, In science we're mostly earning about everything inside your body like cells and chromosomes.
what did Wegener think happened to the supercontinent
Ridiculous difficult gambol a sushi a supermodel downsizing subcompact possible washrooms advisories asset quota wishful jackals all H disk magically slapstick question
What we're learning? mostly cells and living organisms- pretty insane stuff (:
At my school, we haven't fully got through this semester, but we have got through the cell theory, ecosystem, and basic stuff that you have learned in 6th grade!
HI, I'm from 2016. Now a days measuring liquid.
Well my school is soo boring we lern about stupid stuff like pirid and all or that.
mostly about cells, living organisms, body systems, space, and stuff like that
Everything xoxxo
It depends on what state your school is in if it is a public school, but every school depends on what curriculum they use. At my public school, we learned about Life Science.
Alot about reproduction. . . Blegh!
I don't really know what the question is
Mostly chemistry and then a little bit of physics where I live. In 6th grade we did learn biology (cells, living organisms, DNA, etc)
i dont care.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Physics mostly
All about plants
Honors physical science, honors pre-algebra, advanced Spanish, advanced art 3, STEM 2, honors Social Studies, honors English, honors reading, and beginner intro to Biology.