I included the last sentences on cheetahs and a few more on the use of gerund/infinitive. Thank you.
1) This project aims at establishing a second, independent population of Asiatic lions and will hopefully enable the subspecies to survive, too.
2) This centre will be located at a wildlife sanctuary in the Indian State of Madhya Pradesh.
3) The article finally claims that the cheetahs reintroduction programme is likely to succeed if it can address (I need a synonym: involve?) the same resources and care as reserved to the Asiatic lions.
4) What’s the difference in the two used of “can’t wait”?
I can’t wait for him to phone him. (Does it mean “I’m looking forward to hearing from him?”)
I couldn’t wait/risk telling the truth. (Does it mean “I couldn’t avoid telling the truth?”)
5) It was rude/careless/cruel of you to bully your classmate.
6) The room was not large enough for all the people to get in.
I long for him to arrive (I need to build a sentence including “long for “ and the infinitive).
1 answer
3. synonyms for to address: consign, dispatch, forward, inscribe, label, mark, postmark, remit, route, send, ship, superscribe, transmit
as reserved FOR
4) a) yes, looking forward to
b) couldn't wait = I was anxious to BUT risk = did not dare
5) I long to leave, to go, to see, etc.