I included a few more sentences I need you to check. Thank you very much for your help.
1) He likes zapping/switching channel/changing channel/zooming/trolling
Do they have the same meaning?
2) Even in very large cities like London the majority of people live in terraced, semi-detached or detached houses that often have a front and/or a back garden.
3) Terraced houses are joined together in rows and they are typically built from red bricks.
4) Semi-detached houses are joined in pairs, while detached houses are not joined to other houses.
5) Other kind of homes are: bungalows, single-storey detached houses, which are especially convenient for old people who may have difficulty in climbing the stairs; cottages, small houses usually in the country; and block of flats, built in recent years, without individual gardens or garages.
1 answer
5) Why the semicolon? You were merely listing things, separated by commas . You don't really need a comma before the last and...