I have written a two-page report on this topic: Should Canada use nuclear power generation?
can someone check if it correct?
I think Canada should use nuclear power generation because nuclear energy is the largest and best clean-air energy source. It has the advantage of not burning any of the fuel so there are no pollutants or greenhouse gas emissions released into the air.
Canada is the world’s second-largest producer of uranium with about 15% of total world population. In 2013, Canada produced 9331.5-tonne pf uranium valued at approximately $1.2 billion.
Nuclear power is one of the best ways to get the demands of constant electricity in Ontario. Nuclear power has been reliably, cost effectively and has no environmental impact of greenhouse gas and carbon emissions. About 60% of Ontario’s power are made by nuclear power. Nuclear power is a powerful energy source that has become an important tool in fighting climate change both locally and globally.
Nuclear power plants have been producing electricity in Canada since the early 1960s. Today, there are about five plants in three provinces house 22 nuclear power reactors with a net capacity of 13.5 Gigawatts. These reactors produce a total of 95.6 terawatt-hours of electricity, which is consider for 16.6% of the country’s total electric energy generation in 2015. One of these reactors is in Ontario where they produce 61% of the province’s electricity in 2016 (91.6 TWh).
There are different types of nuclear reactors. The ones used in Canada are called CANDU (Canadian, Deuterium, uranium) reactors. Around 16% of electricity in Canada comes from the nuclear power. The CANDU nuclear reactor was built by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited.
The CANDU reactor has many safety features that will prevent any major disasters like those that have occurred with other designs. In the meltdowns of the reactors in Chernobyl in 1986, the moderator used was flammable. One the reactor exploded, the flammable moderator spread radioactive smoke across Europe and Asia. This cannot happen in a CANDU reactor because the heavy water is used as a moderator. The reactor itself is housed in concrete, just in case, anything goes wrong. There are many safety features in place to make sure that the reactor doesn’t overheat, and others to ensure that no steam escapes in case of a leak. Finally, there must be a 2 km zone around any CANDU reactor that remains uninhabited.
Canadian reactors are a type of pressurized heavy water reactor known as the CANDU reactors. Nuclear energy is converted into thermal energy. The thermal energy is then changed into kinetic energy, which is then changed into electrical energy. The statement implies that nuclear energy is converted directly into electrical energy. CANDU reactors have been exported to India, Pakistan, Argentina, South Korea, and China.
Nuclear power is one of the most misunderstood sources of energy available. As the world faces the rapid changes in climate, nuclear power is important in fight against climate change because of its ability to produce large amounts of low-cost power safely, reliably, and virtually without carbon emissions.
Uranium ore is mined from the ground in an opened pit or underground mining. Some uranium ores lie in groundwater and are mined using a process called In Situ Leach (ISL), a process that dissolves the uranium and pump is out. About 20 countries are operating uranium mines and the largest producers are Canada, Kazakhstan, and Australia.
There are two different ways nuclear reactions can occur. Nuclear fission occurs when large atoms split into smaller ones. Nuclear fusion occurs when small atoms or particles join to form a larger one. Both types of reactions produce a large amount of energy. Nuclear power plants use fission to create energy. Nuclear fusion occurs on the surface of the sun. Nuclear bombs use fission and fusion.
The pink dots on this map in this link shows you where the nuclear-generating stations are in Canada. The reactors are close to large bodies of water since CANDU reactors need a large supply of water.
Nuclear reactors have many pros and cons, and the debate about nuclear energy will continue into the foreseeable future. The best that most people can do when it comes to nuclear energy is to stay informed and then form their own opinions.
Nuclear power lowers stabilize the electricity prices which is important to both consumers and business owners who cannot budget for sudden variations in their costs. This is because uranium makes up of 30% of the cost in nuclear power. In contrast, fuel costs for coal, natural gas, and oil production make up about 80% of the production costs, which makes prices of electricity generated from fossil fuels more volatile.