I have to write an essay that compares and contrasts the rhetorical strategies of tone, lexicon, and syntax from two sermons given by the same person.

How do i do this??? Helpp please!!

(the sermons are called "Beauty of the World" and "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" by Jonathan Edwards.

2 answers

If you have ever dealt with schizophrenia, your task is easy. A schizophrenic can see love and wrath at the same time.

Google "jonathan edwards schizophrenic"

Academics and religious writers engage in professional schizophrenia to create a mirror, so that they can reveal the mind of God. Surely you have had teachers who seemed that way, and if you search, you can find ministers also. Do you not see the dichotomy of the current crop of "radical" Muslim teachers who preach peace and killing Jews (or Americans)?

Read a few of the results of the google search. Then, do your analysis from the viewpoint of someone either using a mirror, or actually seeing with mirrors..it makes no difference, the result is the same.

Insanity is one just one way to see reality. Some of my physics students for years claimed I was crazy, perhaps they were right.