i have to write a speach on euthanasia and how i agree with it but i have no clue on what to do for it

6 answers

You agree with euthanasia...under what circumstances, under what restrictions.

Here are some sites with possible arguments you can use.

This is an idea that just came to me... recently I had to have my 12 year old Sheltie dog euthanized. I decided that this was the loving thing for me to do. He had lived with cancer for the last year and had reached the point where he could not do the things that he loved doing.

No one would disagree with this, I believe... Therefore, should we be less loving to people? Should we force them to live when there is no joy or purpose in living? hmmmmm interesting thought.
Sorry to jump in, but Yeah we Shuldn't be less loving to people because once we leave this world, we will leave hurting their feelings in a negative way, before we leave this world we should try to give our loved ones all the happiness we can, so atleast they could be happy
Oh and yes we shouldn't leave our loved onces all olne in thier bad circumstance, its our job to give them supprt, if we won't do this then who will?
Its always best to think postively not negatively
If a loved one is suffering severely and unable to enjoy living — and this condition cannot be remedied in other ways — isn't euthanasia a positive response?