I have to write a research proposal for english!

Here is what's written:
Review your final research proposal draft one last time. Make sure that your topic focuses on some cultural aspect of one of the countries (Turkey, Armenia, Iraq, India, or Sri Lanka). Make sure that you have included 5–6 research questions and 5 sources with 3–5 sentences accompanying each to justify using the source that you chose.

I'm not really sure how I should set this up. It has to include Ideas, question choice, sources, annotations, conventions, & organization. I'm not expecting you to write a complete answer for me, I would just like a basic outline/idea on how to do this because I'm unsure of what I need to do!

3 answers

Part of what you need to do sounds like* an annotated bibliography. Read through several websites here to learn how to do that:

*"5 sources with 3–5 sentences accompanying each to justify using the source that you chose"

Let us know what else is confusing to you.
I figured it out! Thanks!
What are we supposed to right about what research questions do we use to write it.