I have to write a research paper but I don't know what to pick as a topic. I want something simple. Last time i chose Napoleon and it was overwhealming. Can anyone suggest a simple topic that is easy to research. Preferable historical.

John Kerry

some topics that might interest you:
eating disorders

Make sure your topic is quite narrow -- focused. If your topic is too broad, you'll have a terrible time. Leo's suggestions are good focused ones. If you're interested in any of Britney's suggestions, you'll have to do some narrowing down first.

There are several good websites here with ideas for narrowing down your topic.


Thanks everyone for the advice, I typically like ancient history so I was thinking something on the anicent city of Alexandria Egypt. Do you think this is a good idea??

To narrow that down, you might even consider the Library at Alexandria. There have been some very interesting findings about that recently.

thanks, i think i will.