I have to write a report for school on the topic of film music.

I want to show my class mates how different you feel when you see a movie scene with two different musics.

So I was looking for two versions of a scene of any movie. One version should be with the 'real' soundtrack and the other with a different music. I've been searching for that quite a long time but I haven't really found it. I've been on youtube and there I just found some 'real' movie scenes or just different scenes with music only (no dialogues)...

Has anyone an idea where I could find a scene in these two versions or something similar? I would be really happy because this report is quite important.

7 answers

My best suggestion would be to look at this site on movie remakes.

Choose a movie that has been remade and find a good scene that is in each. Then you can analyze how music has contributed.
Hey GuruBlue
Well, I've been on the webside. But there are just film reviews and so you mean I should buy the two DVDs?

Well actually I have been looking for a scene of a movie just with two different musics...

I also like your idea, but have you maybe a link where I had vido clips of such scenes. (I don't know if I can afford to buy two DVDs right now. I ran out of money...

So has anyone another idea?
I wasn't thinking of buying.... just renting .... I think you could find them for about a dollar. That way you would have the time and ability to really choose something interesting.
Well, yeah that's an option. The only problem is that I really don't live at all near a video rental shop. So that's a problem...

Maybe someone else got an idea...

But I'll see what I can do. Thanks for your suggestion.
I had another idea.... if you have a video camera available... film a brief bit - twice. Then choose a couple of pieces of music that are totally different and put them with your film... See what the difference in emotion impact is.
Thanks SraJMcGin.
Well I have been on your links. The first one istn't really what I am looking for. I mean I wanted to have the same scene with to different music versions.

The secound is better. But the thing is that in that scene you only got the new music but all the other sound effects are gone. So you can't really compare the real and the fake version...
Maybe it's not available but it'd be cool to find a movie scene where there still are all other sound effects and dialogues.

And the third link is no longer availbe...

So thanks for your effort.

I know it's difficult to find but maybe anyone knows such a scene?
I think on the Harry Potter DVD special features you find such a scene.
The director and an other guy are talking about that kind of stuff. But I don't know where you can find the bonus material on the Internet. I know you find them somewhere to download but I don't know where anymore.
Maybe someone else knows that. Anyway I wish you good luck with your report.