At 4wk, # revealed on SFX, M PT stated PN MEDS taken 2 mth. Recommend CAPS.
Ok, these are accepted medical abbreviations (If you don't know...
At the 4 week checkup, a fracture was revealed by soft tissue xray, the male patient stated he had pain medications for 2 months. Recommend counseling and pyschological evaluation.
I have to write a paper and answer these questions but I don't know how to start my paper.
How can eliminating abbreviations reduce error?
Should written policies be developed for abbreviation usage? If yes, what should the policies contain? I no explain.
When are abbreviations acceptable? Who should use them and why?
According to the information in the online articles, do you think enough steps have been taken to reduce errors? Explain why you agree or disagree. Could someone help me?
2 answers
First, answer the questions.
If you need to write a formal essay, you could consider starting it with bobpursley's idea. But be sure to include your thesis statement at the end of your introductory paragraph. This sentence should include your opinion about the use of abbreviations.
If you need to write a formal essay, you could consider starting it with bobpursley's idea. But be sure to include your thesis statement at the end of your introductory paragraph. This sentence should include your opinion about the use of abbreviations.