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I have to write a 3 page essay on "Is Tradition a Neurosis?" Any ideas please?
2 answers
You might think about these folks who dress up in civil war uniforms and re-enact battles, or those folks who ...
The alternative question, is being ionoclastic a neurosis?
When you vist a home for the mentally ill, you find many living with the past, and in past routine. And you find many who attack routine, and attack those things the medical staff holds dear (like taking daily meds, following routine, etc).
I have friends who are nutty both ways. Here in Texas, it is not uncommon.
We will be happy to critique your thoughts.
The alternative question, is being ionoclastic a neurosis?
When you vist a home for the mentally ill, you find many living with the past, and in past routine. And you find many who attack routine, and attack those things the medical staff holds dear (like taking daily meds, following routine, etc).
I have friends who are nutty both ways. Here in Texas, it is not uncommon.
We will be happy to critique your thoughts.