i have to round each to 3 significant figures, then to one significant figure, in standard form, how?

a) 87.073 m
b) 4.3621 x 10^8 m
c) 0.01552 m
d) 9009 m
e) 1.7777 x 10^-3 m
f)629.55 m

4 answers

(a) 87.073 -> 87.1 -> 90
(b) 4.3621 -> 4.36 -> 4
and so on

what do you get?
okay, so e) would be 2.77->2 but how would the others be to 1 significant number if there over?
(e) 1.7777 -> 1.78 -> 2

I have no idea what if there over? means.

In each case, round to 3 digits, then round that result to 1.