I have to make two multiple-choice questions for this standard:

Standard 4b: Students know how to identify transverse and longitudinal waves in mechanical media, such as springs and ropes, and on the earth (seismic waves).

The first question I already made; it had to do with the transverse and longitudinal waves in mechanical media:

26. A __________ wave is produced when the end of a Slinky (attached to a wall) is shaken up and down. A ____________ wave is produced when the end of a Slinky is shaken in and out. (4b)
a) Molecular ; subatomic
b) Transverse ; longitudinal
c) Seismic ; sound
d) Light ; transverse

.....which the answer would be (b). I can't think of a question for the seismic wave part of the standard -- does anybody have any ideas about what question I could write?

2 answers

I would ask about what type wave was the compression (P wave) in a seismic event.

(Broken Link Removed)
Oh, ok, that makes sense. Thanks so much!!